Vickie Klick
About a year and a half ago, our Fraternity had arranged to have a
sister from a local convent come to give a talk on centering prayer.
Two days before our meeting, Sister Charlotte became ill, and we were
left scrambling for a topic of discussion and way to launch the
We handed out 3x5 cards and told each person to complete the
sentence: I am a Secular Franciscan because I am looking for. . . .
Each person wrote one phrase on a card; the cards were passed in,
shuffled and read. We were deeply moved to hear all of the reasons to
become a Secular Franciscan. As we discussed the ideas, it became clear
that these were the reasons that it's necessary to pray, and we were
prepared for the following month, when Sister Charlotte was able to
come and talk to us.
Our webmaster posted the ideas on our Fraternity website. They can be found at are.php.
Then I made them into two standup posters with photos of our various
activities; we used the posters at our annual parish Ministry Fair.
Our Webmaster created a movie, which he posted on our Web site. I
thought that was terrific, so I sent a link to our Regional Minister,
Mary Thuman. She liked it a lot, and asked if we could make one for
each fraternity in our region. I didn't know how to modify the movie,
so I created a PowerPoint presentation, and changed the information to
be specific to each Fraternity (30 in all!). Then I used ISpring to
make a movie of each presentation.
We showed the PowerPoint at our annual meeting in November, and
gave each fraternity a CD of their material. Tom Bello was there and
liked the idea a lot, and asked if we could present it nationally.
At that point, I had to make a confession. Our Webmaster had
downloaded the music that's in the background. I did a little digging
and discovered that it's in the process of copyright, and I surely
didn't want to have a national movie with bootlegged music. I don't
think that would say anything good about the integrity of Secular
I tracked down the composer and told him what we're doing, and he
kindly gave permission to use the music as long as nothing was being
sold and if we would use the attribution language he sent. I added a
final page to the presentation, giving credit to everyone who had a
part in putting it together.
Editor's note: Mary Lou has adapted the presentation for the National Fraternity. It is available at
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